Thursday, April 28, 2005

Assignments and tutorials

The assignments never stop coming. Whenever i finish one, there's always at least another one that i need to do: I do four papers this trimester at university in which I get one chemistry assignment a week, one economics assignment every two weeks, one Commerce and Administration(FCOM) assignment every three weeks, and one Marketing tutorial preparation assignment every two weeks. But together, all this piles up so that it seems that i hardly ever have a free weekend where I don't have to complete any assignments. I guess it's not that bad considering one of my friends from my FCOM tutorial has got 4 assignments to complete in 6 days! That's a lot. I'd have trouble doing that.

Also, i'm really liking my FCOM tutorials now. I always go to them slightly nervous for some reason, but when i'm there, i always have a laugh and get to talk to some interesting people. In fact, i don't ever remember yawning in my FCOM tutorials (I can't compare that to any of my other tutorials). And we do learn things as well. I think we've just got an interesting tutor who knows how to make things interesting (plus I have some interesting people in my group for which we are meant to run an imaginary business in. My group specialises in agriculture and is called "Cows R' us" hehe.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Aww, the shameage

I was walking along the street today, and i walked past an ANZAC person collecting donations for anzac day. My first reaction was to walk straight past without even considering donating any money. Then in a period of a few split seconds, I thought about how horrible WWI and WWII were, and especially about the poor brave soldiers that fought and lost their lives at Gallipoli. It was then that i realised I had to donate some money. So i stopped walking and opened my wallet: I had a $1 coin and a $2 coin... I had to make a decision,

The options I had were either:
1. Forget about it and walk away
2. Donate $1 coin
3. Donate $2 coin
4. Donate both $1 coin and $2 coin.

If i just carried on walking away, i would be able to save some money which could be spent on other 'more important', selfish things like buying bottles of 1.6L coke rather than 1L bottles of coke... and well, money is hard to get when ur a full time student with no constant supply of income.

If i gave the $1 coin, i would have saved $1(or $2) which could be spent on other things like buying lunch when i was at university or to help pay for a train ticket if i was on the train and couldn't find my train pass. (Cos being kicked off the train for not being able to buy a ticket would be very embarassing.)

If I gave the $2 coin, i would feel better about having made at least a decent donation, and would be able to proudly tell myself: 'I am not cheap.'

If i gave the $1 coin and the $2 coin, i would be feeling so much better that i would probably have been on a natural high for the rest of the day.

In about 10 seconds, i had made my choice: I would give my $1 coin. So i walked up to the retired anzac soldier and told him i would like to make a donation. He didn't say anything but he smiled at me. I put the $1 coin into the donation bucket. As i did this, i had a quick look at what other people had given: all i remember seeing was a bloody $10 note. Someone had given a $10 note??! Aww i feel the shameage! (Unless it was just intentionally placed there...)

Then i took the red anzac flower that was implicitly offered to me. Judging by the anzac soldier's facial expressions, i think i might have rudely grabbed the flower out of his hand: Aww im so guttered!

Then i tried to pin the flower onto my t-shirt, and found i cudn't figure out how to pin it on properly. It kept falling off when i started walking. So i started smiling and tried to convey the message to the other people walking behind me, 'don't worry about me guys, i'll get this eventually', in case someone offered to help me pin the flower on. No one did.
But in the end i just stuck the flower in my pocket and marched on. Because to me, making a donation to a charity shouldn't be about getting recognition for it. It's more about having cared and made a donation to it, and in the case of the ANZACs, it is about saying "we shall remember them!"

(Hmm... maybe i shud have given all the money in my wallet... *Jokes*)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Now for something slightly different

Soo... I need something to write about... what can i write about...i don't really know.... quick, I need something random to suddenly POP into my head so i can write about it.... PEANUT BUTTER!... naa, that's too random...ryt, i'm really bored so im going to count to ten: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten... nope, still bored. Ah well... life isnt always fair, ha.
Oh yeah, that reminds me about something i wanted to say.

Answer this: Why be normal, when you can be slightly weird, and so appear a lot more interesting?

e.g Pretend you are walking down the street and you see a business man walking down the street, wearing a black suit, a black tie, brown hair, carrying a black suitcase, practically blending in with everyone else and appearing to be ur average working person.
However...(can u see where i'm going with this?)
Now pretend you are walking down the street and you see someone a bit more 'different', such as a business man wearing a yellow suit, a pink tie, green hair, carrying a blue suitcase and standing out completely from everyone else...
Question: What person would you be most interested to know about?(Post ur answer as 'comments' if u want)

ok... and now, for the sake of being a little different, i'm going to write what i just said backwards...and if you like, u can also try reading it out loud... but that's only for really weird people...

)tnaw fi 'stnemmoc' sa rewsna tu tsop(
?tuoba ot detseretni tsom eb uoy dluow nosrep tahw :noitseuQ
...esle enoyreve morf yletelpmoc tuo gnidnats dna esactius eulb a gniyrrac ,riah neerg ,eit knip a ,tius wolley a gniraew nam ssenisub a sa hcus ,'tnereffid'erom tib a enoemos ees uoy dna teerts eht nwod gniklaw era uoy dneterp won
)nac uoy ees erehw m'i gniog htiw siht(...revewoh
ru eb ot gniraeppa dna esle enoyreve htiw ni gnidnelb yllacitcarp ,esactius kcalb a gniyrrac ,riah nworb ,eit kcalb a ,tius kcalb a gniraew ,teerts eht nwod gniklaw nam ssenisub a ees uoy dna teerts eht nwod gniklaw era uoy dneterp g.e

(Have you gone mad yet? Cos on my 'bullshit 'o' meter, that'd rate about a 9/10)

(I don't blame you for skipping over this bit if you did. It is rather pointless to read...)

(27/04/05: I'm thinking about deleting this post because it's absolute nonsense)

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Top Fivers/Sevens

My top five favourite food:
1. Pizza
2. Sushi
3. Potatoe top pies
4. chocolate
5. cracker biscuits

My top seven favourite drinks
1. beer
2. burbon
3. fizzy drink(coke etc.)
4. vodka
5. wine
6. chocolate milk
7. natural orange juice

Top five short jokes:
1. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Cos its car was on the other side
2. Why are soccer fields always wet?
Cos the players keep on dribbling
3. What has a bottom at the top?
A leg
4. Why should u never play golf in Wainui?
Cos where ever you hit the ball, it will always go down a hole
5. Knock knock!
Who's there?
I dunno...

Top five favourite colours:
1. royal blue
2. yellow
3. green
4. red
5. "grey-peach beige!!"

Top five things to do when ur drunk:
1. Get more drunk
2. Walk in a straight line
3. Say 'specificity' really fast as many times as you can
4. Tell everyone that u knew someone who was electroencephalographically challenged once.
5. Do things that u wouldn't otherwise be able to do and then excuse yourself for doing it because you were drunk.
6. slur all ur words and put 'sh' in front of every word that u say
7. play drinking games

Top five random numbers that i can think of at the moment:
1. 34746
2. 13
3. 542
4. 667
5. 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 001

Tops five pick-up lines for science students (from Vic magzine Salient:
1. Can I help you fill your test tube?
2. You and me have a chemical reaction
3. You wanna see my beta particles?
4. May I fertilise your egg?
5. I'm not wearing anything under my lab coat

Top five useless facts
1. Bill Gates earns $200 a second
2. All polar bears are left handed
3. Pigs can't jump
4. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave
5. Flys taste things with their legs

Top seven ways of saying hello to people:
1. Hey
2. Hello
3. Hi
4. *say hello in another language*
5. g'day mate
6. g'day governor *big aussie accent*
7. Greetings Earth human... muahahaha

Top five most commonly said things in a conversation:
1. lol
2. yea
3. ok
4. na
5. ...*snort*

Top seven ways of saying goodbye to people:
1. bye
2. c ya later
3. toodle-doo
4. *say good bye in another language*
5. fuck off
6. hasta la vista, baby!
7. G2g 2 bed now, bye

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Why do i have to do a poem?... cos i can

I actually feel like writing a poem today. This would be the first time ever that i have written a poem on my own free will. (I love living in a free country). All the other times i have been forced to write poems at primary school...

Like a flock of sheep, they follow;
The dog barks at them.
The grey coloured pigeons,
that eat the bread thrown to them.
One grey pigeon, tried to choke down;
a piece of bread, too big for it to swollow.
And spat it back out for the rest of them.

The rats, that live inside the walls of a house;
eat the crumbs left over lying on the floor.
They are apart of a race:
A race for the big cheese.
The piece of cheese never comes to them;
and they wonder:"if we stay in one place,
the cheese will find us eventually."
- And these rats, that keep racing.
Still never move.

The cheetah:
Who strides like the wind,
though it may be fast,
creeps up on its potential meal.
But the meal is aware,
and springs away before death.
What? Isn't it fair that one dies, so another can live?
Is it not the law of the jungle?
Perhaps, the cheetah thinks:
Has it just been cheated?

There is a big blue clock downstairs.
It goes tick tock tick.
I stare at it.
It stares back.
Tick tock tick.
It seems to be mocking me;
telling me i will run out of time eventually.
Tick tock tick.
For when i do,
that might be the end.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Who needs to go on diets. No one really. Like, many dieting programs are absolutely nonsense. In fact, dieting companies probably want you to stay fat so that you can try their next break-through dieting program. 'Lose 10 kilograms for $10' or something like that. In my opinion, the most likely way to get fit and stay fit is not particularly to go on diets, but do get exercise. And what's the best and most fun way to get exercise? By taking up a sport such as tennis, rugby, judo, karate etc. These not only provide some means to get fit, but they are constantly every week or so(when you do practice for them, and play games with clubs or friends) and they are fun. And not only would these help make you fit, but they would also have a practical purpose to them. Such as if you played lots of tennis, you would become very good at it. Or if you practiced karate, you could defend yourself when your being attacked by some bastards up a dark alley.(Hit them with a 'Judo chop', or a 'Karate Deathlock'), when initially your only motivation was to get fit and stay fit and fit into those new clothes you might like to buy which you saw in the shop the other day.

Not me tho. I don't usually like clothes shopping. I already have all the clothes I need. Normally, i prefer looking for that latest release computer game that people are rating as a five-star "must have", "kicks ass" computer game... I got a really good deal the other day in fact: I got two games that together would be worth $160, and i got them both for $60. That's not even half price!:P I thought this was stealing and that i might get arrested when i left the shop, but the shop assistant said that's what the price was (so in other words, if the police had arrested me, i would have said "it wasn't me, it was the guy in the shop's fault". Then i can imagine the police saying "umm that guy doesnt even work here...")... Anyway, that didnt happen fortunately and I got them both. WoOt, yyaay... And now... I ask myself... does that mean i'm cheap? Am I a cheap bastard? Well, the answer to that is probably not. And that is because it was a sale. And we all happen to take advantage of sales when they happen. In fact you're probably not smart if u've never been to a sale. It is part of being human that we all go to our favourite shop's sales isnt it? In fact, it is a human right to go to all the sales we like. So now, since you have just about finished reading this post(don't start reading the others either yet), go look in the newspaper for the next coming sale so you can go and buy loads of cheap stuff.