Monday, September 10, 2007


Monkies... Is that spelt monkies or monkeys? Cos I thought it was spelt monkies but that doesn't look right. Monkeys looks like a better spelling. Cos isn't there a rule that any plural for a word ending with "y" is finished with "ies" instead?

Something that amused me; a philosophical question that kept me pondering for days and the more i think about it the more new ideas or possibilities i think of for it.

Think about this

If you had an infinite number of monkies on type writers and there was an infinite amount of time, would these monkies eventually be able to come up with the complete works of Shakespeare?

At first I thought no way. But then I thought that if there was an infinite amount of time and an infinite amount of monkies then at some stage these monkies must eventually come up with something like Shakespeare, even if it does take them 2 million years to stop eating bananas and learn how to spell and use a type writer.

But then it came to my attention that after 2 million years, these monkies will have evolved and gone through natural selection processes (if you believe in evolution) and adapted to their own ecological niche. And then u need to realise that WE USED TO BE MONKIES! And us being homo sapiens did in fact come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, or at least, one of us did, Shakespeare himself, came up with his own complete works. And he evolved from a monkey. So then an infinite number of monkies with an infinite amount of time MUST indeed be able to come up with the complete works of Shakespeare.

This is hard to test through the scientific method. First of all we need an infinite amount of monkies. And we need an infinite number of type writers. But this is impossible. We can not have an infinite amount of anything as infinity is only an imaginary number. Therefore we will need a lot of type writers and a lot of monkies and measure their rate of progress towards writing the complete works of Shakespeare. We can grab a few monkies from jungles and zoos. And then we can measure how close the monkies come to writing the complete works over shakespeare over a period of, say, one month. This can then be divided to work out a monkey's exact number of words per second. Or it can be multiplied to extrapolate out in exactly what year the monkies would come up with the complete works of Shakespeare based on the progress of this sample group of monkies.

But then the technicality arises that if the monkies are now homo sapiens when they figure out Shakespeare, does this mean that we can not say that an infinite number of monkies with an infinite amount of time and type writers would actually be able to come up with the complete works of Shakespeare???

Or maybe I just have an infinite amount of time to come up with an infinite amount of thoughts.

I'll finish here.
P.S. I think monkies is spelt monkeys now. It looks way better.