Thursday, January 19, 2006


I get feeling sometimes it looks like I am not very mature! Well, one of the reasons for that is because I have this belief which is: "being mature means you have to be very boring!!!"

Until someone can tell me why being mature doesn't mean you have to be boring, I will probably continue to be acting as mature as I always have (or unmature as I always have) lol.

So I ask this question: how do you be mature without being boring!?

Try explain that! lol

Sunday, January 15, 2006

What it means...

So it's time i wrote another blog post.

Recently, i've been having lots of interesting thoughts to write about in this blog, but i keep forgetting them when i get back onto the computer to write a post!!!

Ok, so i went up to Carterton again today and helped work renovating that house. Today i just painted the walls of the lounge

Today, I suddenly thought "what does it mean to be a teenager?" Even though i'm nearly not a teenager anymore, i still only found myself asking that question just now. I guess that question has a general socially steriotype answer to that, but the answer must surely be slightly different for everyone :S sex, sometimes drugs, puberty, growing up, leaving home, to name a few. And being a teenager is often the time when you first experience not being able to clear ur mind of the big 3 letter S-E-X word. Today, i was thinking that it sounded like a good title foe a novel: "What it means to be a teenager." But then again, I can't be bothered writing a novel anyway. Takes too long, and you have to be a good writer and have a big imagination.

And then there's the concept of dating. God damn, i frustrate myself to death thinking about what other ppl do about dating, things i've done wrong in the past, things i should do better in the future, whether there are certain rules to it...
sometimes i wish there was no such thing...

On the guitar, I've certainly got little caluses on my left hand fingers from playing it too much...

And the beer i started brewing with my dad's help is coming along nicely. I tried a small cup of it today before putting it into the second fermentation process part, and it was already fizzy! And it tastes pretty much like normal draught beer so far, tho i thought it had a slightly larger bitterness to it than normal draught beers. But, that''s ok. It tastes normal enough, and there's about 23 litres of it:P
Guess i'll have to have some sort of party eventually lol.

But then I have a self conflicting belief about parties. For me, parties always seem better when you have had less of them. As in, when u have too many parties, they starting seeming to be no more than just getting together, drinking as much alcohol as you want, staying the night, and having a hangover or feeling rather shitty the next morning. Which is not good. And... parties don't seem to be as much fun when ur not drunk :S And then there seems to be a rule or an idea that a party is not a good party unless there is at least one person who throws up. Now what's fun about throwing up!?

And then im also cautious about parties since my sister had a big one and there were gate crashers, ppl kicked pot plants and someone kicked a hole in the wall, not to mention all the empty alcohol bottles lying around the place. A party very often trashes the places they're at as well. And in my experience, it's always been the gate crashers that do it. And, to be honest, in some ways i think i prefer to just be alone, eating pizza and drinking alcohol in front of the tv.

At times when I feel lonely, I like being alone, yet I don't like the fact that I like being alone. Self-conflicting. I fight that sometimes, but should I fight against who I am?

Oh well. I don't think there's anything I can do except to carry on doing the things I'm doing...

Monday, January 02, 2006

Turtle facts

Here is an interesting site about turtle facts.

Be careful that you have a fast enough computer cos this site has little green bar thingys that move from side to side in the back ground:P

Now you can amaze your friends about how much you know about turtles.

Have fun