Thursday, July 07, 2005

The smart and the not so smart

Something that might astonish you is that I happen to envy people who can talk and talk and constantly yack on about things for ages; a real chatter-box . I think being able to do this fills in silent awkward moments during conversations really well. But anyone who seems to be like this, especially when they're trying to argue about things, becomes all fired up and will go on a verbal rampage about why they are right. People who are able to do this also seem to have more leadership qualities to them as well. But one thing I've noticed is that occasionally, people who are like this are often wrong. (Tho not always. I spose i am thinking of George W Bush). They're so certain about what they're saying is right, that they haven't bothered to go through what they said to check for any flaws in their logic***. I think that people who are 100% certain all the time are idiots since you can never be 100% certain about anything. For example, if someone said that they were 100% certain that an earthquake wouldn't happen within the next ten minutes after reading this, I would think that they were a bit "silly" as how can you be absolutely sure that there would not be an earthquake in the next ten minutes. Cos what if there was a set of ten minutes where an earth quake did happen. (If you have just read this and an earth quake did happen within 10 minutes of reading it... well i'll be damned).

Another example is if you flipped a coin. You can't be 100% certain that if you flip a coin, you will get a heads or a tails. What if as soon as you flipped a coin, the whole world blew up in a nuclear holocaust, and you, along with the coin, were destroyed, and therefore never got a heads or a tails. Therefore i think it is impossible to be 100% certain about anything. Maybe 99.99999...'% certain about some things but not 100% certain

George W. Bush is a brilliant example of this. He is a good leader, and people follow him, yet he is a pot-head. This also compares to Hitler.
Hitler supposedly was smart AND ambitious, or you could just call him bloody crazy, yet people followed him around like glue, and served his every bidding. Why did everyone do that? Why did the majority of people want to do what Hitler said? Could you just say that everyone in Germany around the late 1930's were complete dumbheads for following some crazy asshole!?... I don't think so.For Hitler trying to conquer all of Europe (and also eventually the rest of the world) and maintaining control over Europe was very ambitious; and I wouldn't call him an asshole for being ambitious. But I would call him an asshole for wanting to accomplish something that would spread so much pain, hunger, distress, famine, and terror upon millions of people... Yet people followed him, and carried out his orders, even though there were probably millions of poeple smarter than he (Hitler) was.

So this is one example of smart people doing what incompetant people tell them to do.

Now I mention George W. Bush. He's also certainly a good leader, but many people question how smart he is. George Bush has said many things that have made us question his intelligence. Typical "Bushisms" include:

"I know that human beings and fish can coexist peacefully."
"It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it."
"They misunderestimated me." ...............................

(George Bush quotes found from .)

So George Bush is evidently not very smart at all. He sounds like someone who can feel 100% certain about some things quite often;) but he is still very good at leading his country.

So, sometimes, we have to ask ourselves this question: if someone was a really really good leader, and was excellent with people, yet could not think logically and did not even know something as basic as 1 + 1 = 2, would people still follow them as a leader?

My guess is that: ha ha, yes they would because people are suckers for people who are leaders who feel certain about themselves and who are able to charm people into doing just about anything. But that's not the point.

My point is that the world is full of really smart brainy people who sit back and do nothing for reasons being they may be too shy or unconfident, meanwhile the people who can't even add 1 and 1 together lead this planet, Earth, into destruction.

***If you have carefully thought about what I wrote and happen to find any flaws in my logical reasoning, i reserve the right to maintain that I am actually indeed very brainy. Thank you.

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

Its a bit unfair comparing Bush to Hitler. Hitler was a lot smarter than bush, and Hitler was evil. Bush on the other hand is very benevolent (he is actually trying to help people, and his country, believe it or not).

Also, I can say that I am one hundred percent certain that I have a Mum and Dad (although I could actually be a biological experiment and not be knowing it). So I guess you are right about that ;-)