Saturday, September 17, 2005

Work, elections, and other crap.

Ouch. Mucsles hurt. Painful to move. It's from working on a house up in Carterton. I had to help dig a small trench to fit a water pipe under the ground and it didnt occur to me to do any stretches before hand and now all my mucsles are really stiff. I woke up this morning from the dream I was having...

...I can still remember the last dream i had: I was on a random beach. The sun was setting making streaks of pink and gold across the sky and I was getting a history lesson about a famous battle that happened on the beach and I found a real dead decayed body still lying on the beach from a battle that supposedly happened around 1850AD...

Anyway, I woke up this morning and I found it really painful to move and it took me a while to remember why i was feeling sore and what I had done the previous day to stiffen my mucsles. I just thought it was interesting how long it took me to remember why I was sore, although it was only a few seconds, it was a few seconds of complete utter confusion.

Another thought: New Zealand has just had a general election and i was tryin to think about how ppl decide who they're gonna vote for (as it was the first time i'd ever been able to vote!:P). Anyway i had five ideas about how ppl decide how they're gonna vote:

1) they vote for themselves and for their own personal gain, possibly based on bribes from the other parties. e.g. lower taxes, interest-free student loans.

2) they vote based on emotion influenced by who their parents voted for, who their gf/bf voted for, or just what ever the party reminds them of.

3) they vote based on who they think is going to win. e.g. someone may support Labour but they vote Act because they think Labour needs some decent opposition in government.

4) they just vote for what ever leader they like the "look" of the most. i.e. iv heard some ppl desribe Don Brash as looking like a monster, and Iv heard other ppl describe Helen Clark as very manly.


5) THEY DON"T CARE!!! They know nothing about each party's policies and don't care about who gets in government so they just don't bother voting... or they just didnt get around to voting.

Sooo, the way i see it, the tinyiest things influence who we are goin to vote for.

Like I heard this woman was goin to vote for Labour but then she saw a little float on the road that was Edward the Green coloured train off Thomas the Tank Engine with Green party supporters on it telling ppl to vote for the Greens. Anyway she changed her vote to Greens based on that cos she thought it was funny;)

OR another, more well known story was that Mark Blumsky, the National candidate for Wellington central, lost (again) to Marian Hobbs because he fell down a flight of stairs.

OR another story was that Rodney Hide (he's the ACT leader. I just have to point out that I got to shake his hand the other day;)), he won the Epsom seat because he said "PICK ME, PICK ME!!!" Also not to mention, at university the other day, his party was giving away these funny yellow badges that said "FUCK LABOUR. VOTE ACT!"

Anyway, my point is that we vote for the silliest reasons. Meanwhile we are meant to be voting in politicians who we think will represent us the best in parliament, and who will play a major part in determining the fate of New Zealand for the next three years.

... so now after writing half a post about voting, I must be looking quite boring right about now...
Oh yea, you might also be wondering who I voted for (or u dnt care lol). Tho im not sure it's a good idea to say who we vote for. My mum won't even tell me who she voted for even tho she keeps saying she regrets her vote now.

Sidenote: if ur still having sleepless nights about that silly little probability problem on the last post (yeah, right) ... The answer was C) 0.3333'. I don't quite understand the explanation myself but it's to do with since having already thrown a heads on the first coin, that rules out the possibility of having thrown two tails. Therefore 1/3 outcomes=0.3333'. {HH, HT, TH} (There, i just explained something i dnt really understand myself.)

If u have a problem with that answer, tell me, and il go try debate it with my stats lecturer!;)


Vincent McNabb said...

Yes, 1/3 is the correct answer, I was wrong in my last comment.

The point is, the question says
"if two coins are thrown and one of them is a Head, what is the possiblity of throwing a Tail?

Normally the possiblity of throwing a tail is .75, but not if one of the coins is a head.

The question leaves 3 coin throwing possiblities:
TT is ruled out because ONE of them must is a Head.

So out of three possible results (all likely equal) the possibility of throwin 2 heads is 0.33

The possiblity of throwing a tail is 0.67

I hope you can get that :-)

Vincent McNabb said...

Sorry, I phrased the question wrong, it is

"if two coins are thrown and one of them is a Head, what is the possibility of the other one being a Head?"