Sunday, October 30, 2005

The cliff.

I can still remember a dream I had a recent night ago. It was an interesting dream and a bit freaky tho I've described it to a couple of people, and before then I didn't realise how symbolic it could have been. But on a sidenote, I consiously remember hearing about this myth where if you dream that you hit the ground, then you die in your sleep. I've always wondered if I'd dare try to dream that in my sleep.

Well in my dream I was on a cliff. The sky was purple and the cliff was orange. The cliff was vertical and I was near the top of the cliff. But below me was a very big drop to the ground. I think it was about a 1000 km drop below me. I would keep looking down and I would see clouds and then about 500 km down I would see seagulls. And at the very bottom of the cliff there was a small river. As I was near the top of the cliff, I could feel a light wind whistling past my ears and begin to freeze them. I wanted to turn back and stand on the ground again but I couldn't because I was too far up the cliff and because having came this far it wouldn't be right to just turn back. Anyway about 1000 km up, I was near the top of the cliff and only holding on with my bare hands: no safety line and no one to catch me if I fell... but I was dead scared of falling and very afraid. In my dream I felt like my own hands and determination to reach the top of the cliff were the only things stopping me from a 1000 km drop and a horrible death. And to me that was very scary.

Anyway my purpose for climbing this cliff was to reach these little caves situated near the top of the cliff and to retreive these little purple diamond rods that were stuck to the inside walls of these caves. So eventually I reached these caves and I pulled myself up into them while always too aware of the big drop below me. I grabbed the diamond rods and rested in the cave for a while, not wanting to climb the rest of this cliff.

Eventually I climbed out of the caves to climb the rest of the way. But now I was even more scared because now the cliff overhung at a 45 degree angle... so I would have to climb out at 45 degrees while overhanging this 1000 km drop below me with no safety equipment.

Anyway I reached the top of the cliff and pulled myself up onto the top while still very aware of the big drop below me. I wondered about how ironic it would be if I climbed all this way and then fell just before I got to the top.

But I pulled myself up and I remember feeling very relieved. Then this lady appeared. She was caucasian, and had orange hair, freckles, glasses and she wore a white lab coat. I was about 15 cm taller than her. But she said "ah I see you got the diamonds back. Well done Sam. A+." Then I remembered that I was a student climbing this scary cliff like many other students had to do. And one of the reasons why I was so pressured to climb this cliff was that if I failed/fell, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do something other people could do... and then I would wonder if I truely tried my hardest.

The dream was almost like a nightmare because I was so afraid of falling yet pressured to go on. However it isn't how I would have imagined a nightmare to look like. This dream seems rather easy to interpret (i.e. the cliff was life) yet the "apparent" symbolism seems too easy to figure out. I think it's more complex than that.

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