Sunday, November 06, 2005

Things and stuff

I hate POPUPS. I'm always reminded of my pure hatred of them whenever I get one of those intrusive "things" pop-up onto the computer screen, and yet I still havn't gotten around to downloading Mozilla. (The name "Mozilla" always reminds me of mosquitoes, where POPUPS are the mosquitoes and Mozilla is the mosquito repellent). Considering that whole "getting-around-to" thing, I don't even want to imagine what i'd be like with DIY in renovating a house. I'd probably knock down a whole wall and then never rebuild it again;) Sounds quite fun actually. In fact, I've tried it before. Just grabbing a hammer and being allowed to smash the hammer into the wall as hard as you like, and then tearing the wall to treads. Hm, the DESTRUCTION :P

Anyhow, that was a bad start to what i originally intended to be a philosophical post. Meanwhile someones altered the writing on the blog to obcenely small standards so that I have to squint to read what i am writing, and i can't figure out how to change the writing back. I have already checked under control panel... HEY, i just had an idea! When i looked in control panel, I should have used the Help section which Microsoft so kindly provided (thumbs up to them!), I'll try it now:

*5 mintues later*

... well surpringly enough, I just solved my problem now, and it didn't involve using Control Panel. It was as simple as just clicking "Font size" in the blogging menu, and clicking "large".

On another topic, I am running out of words to use to change topics on posts. I've already used: anyway, anyhow, on another topic, now, however, well, ... I need some more words I can say, otherwise I'll have to keep using those words which starts sounding silly after a while... or I can just quickly and suddenly change topics...*cough*

Here's a quote I like:

"From fear comes courage, from defeat comes victory, from disorder comes order." (Sun Tzu's Art of War)

I actually got that quote off the Discovery channel ages ago and thought it made so much sense that I would have to remember it!

That may have sounded like sarcasm but it truely does have sense to it. I interpret it as meaning without one thing, the other one means nothing. In other words if no one feared anything, then courage would have no value since everyone would be courageous.

I guess it's sort of like the idea that to clear up a mess, you first have to make a mess. For example, to tidy your desk, you first have to sort everything into piles (make a mess), and then put "the piles" into the appropriate places (clear the mess). However, there is the sort of person that would just take everything off their desk and simply chuck it in the rubbish! Although, I am the opposite of that: I will go through everything on my desk and sort them into piles, and then eventually when I get to the mouldy green mandarin lying under all the mess, I will go and chuck all my piles of stuff in my wardrobe (but not the rubbish bin, since the rubbish bin is not a very good retrieval system), and jam my wardrobe doors just and promise never to open my wardrobe doors again... yet it's one of those weak promises I never keep...

I worked at a bar the other day. It was a bar up in Trentham Gardens. I only work there on a casual basis though. But I had to work as a "caterer" instead of a "bar-tender" which was a shame because bar-tenders get paid more of the same number of hours as the caterers, and yet I was perfectly capable of working as a bar-tender. I was also working a 8 hour shift that day so I brought some lunch. That consisted of some Eta chips, a banana and some pecan nuts, and I was even going to bring a lunch box but I couldn't find my old one. It felt much like going to school again. And then I found out that we actually got lunch at work from the buffet including rice, salad, potatoes, meat and lots of nice stuff. I'll admit that I was rather dismayed that I had wasted those precious 5 minutes getting my home lunch ready, and then found out that lunch was provided anyway.

Hm, I'm surprised out how much I've had to say tonight... I don't usually have much to say. But I have to stop writing and got to bed now.


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