Saturday, March 19, 2005

Me work, No play

I spent most of the day working today at Trentham Racecourse. The pay was good: $21 an hour. No, I'm kidding. It was somewhere between $10 and $12. And worked for about 7 and a half hours today.

And I went to Edgefest yesterday. And mother of god!, there are some weird people around. Such as, at Edgefest, I (1) talked/flirted(sorta) with this random 19 year old chick in the guy's toilets who kept wanting to tell me how much she wanted to lay 13 year old boys (2) had at least 2 chicks pinch me on the ass in the moshpit for no reason at all (I mean, what the hell!!!) And it hurt. *cries*:) (3) Had this little kid try scam 3 bucks off me for a glowstick, the little brat (4) After buying a blue glowstick, the festival camera kept showing me waving it arOund in the moshpit on screen( I swear, I so wanted to draw glasses and a moustache on the band players, but my hand couldn't reach high enough on screen)... And I nearly lost one of my good jackets but found it lying on the floor in the moshpit fortunately. However, I did lose my cellphone. I've tried ringing it like, 5 times, but no one answers. Some people can be so cheap that they steal cellphones. But i don't care because it gives me a good excuse to buy a new, even better one. At the moment, I'm definitely going to get a Telecom phone tho... probably one of those new basic flip-out ones .

Anyway, I can think of a dozen other things I should be doing at the moment like doing my chemistry assignment or writing up my legal assignment(both due Tuesday 22nd March), but I can't be bothered. I'll do them tomorrow (yeah, right!)

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