Friday, September 30, 2005

Complaining, ranting... G STRINGS!!!

Iv just been playing guitar at the moment. I broke another string. That now comes to 8 strings i've broken so far. And i'm starting to think it always seems to be the G string or the D string that I break. The fact of having to go buy another G string always stands out in my mind inthat I have to go to the person at the counter and ask for a G-string (the type of G string as in clothing... well u can hardly call it clothing can you?;) )

Er, ahem, anyway. Now after considering the number of rantless posts I've done recently, it should be about time for a new rant by now... But i can't think of anything worth ranting about. What random person would want to hear a big long rant anyway. They often come off as just complaining.

Tho I do have something to complain about:

1)How guitar strings break too easily and how steel guitar strings are the more of a pain than nylon strings.

2)How life is as frustrating as being in a silent room full of people and having to let out this big thunderous reaping fart

3) How life is like a big long repetitive loop, kinda like a car going round a roundabout a billion times, or simply like a bowl of Fruit Loops

And my favourite thing to complain about:

4) Why is it that anything worth having doesn't come easy! Stupid reality. Whoever or whatever made up existence should have made it so that everyone can live as comfortably as they like with minimum effort. *sigh*

Hehe, life has its cheap thrills too. Lol like spitting off a sky scraper and waiting for ur spit to hit the ground. I spat off the Eifel tower once. I timed how long it took for my spit to hit the ground. It was ages ago but I think it lasted 8 seconds till it hit the ground.

Also having water fights, insulting ppl in foreign languages and playing practical jokes are cheap thrills too.

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

Gidday mate,

I thought that you were actually making a blog post about G-strings (the pseudo underwear), so I was much relieved when that turned out not to be the case!

You still haven't debated my last post about fair-trade.

Hey, don't worry Sam! Life isn't a continuous loop, although it may seem like that at times. You are actually progressing through it all the time and learning new things.

But, for your sake (and mine), please pay more attention to your University study. I need all the role models I can get!! (JK)