Friday, December 23, 2005

Another evening goes by

I've just been pacing around my room pointlessly, thinking about what has happened. I've been hearing news about relationship troubles between my uncle and aunty (...or should I say, my now ex-aunty :S ) It's quite complicated and it doesn't seem that my aunt and uncle will ever get back together, and i may not be able to see some of my cousins as much as I did (but I hardly ever saw them anyway) because of it.

But it has made me wonder. Is there much point to relationships anyway? they are so complex, yet very fragile, and if you are not careful, you may not be friends afterwards either. But if you are lucky, a relationship may bring happyness and fulfilment for a very long time?

And now it is Christmas eve. Yet I don't feel jolly. Maybe it's cos i'm so bored of Christmas Eves and Christmas's from my past 18 other Christmas's and Christmas Eve's that I've had. We just got our Christmas tree up last night! But when Christmas time comes, the shops just WILL NOT let you forget that it is Christmas. It's Christmas Eve now and I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping. I have to go out soon and finish it, but I have hardly any money... only just enough money to buy a few cheap Christmas presents... since last week I only had $1.67 in my bank account to survive off. However that did work as extra strong motivation to get a job...

I now also work part time at the Hutt Golf Club in the kitchen. I am in charge of making chips, wedges, fish and shoe string chips (somehow ppl always get a laugh from that!), and doing some dishes. And to my surprise, I seem to be allowed to wear what I want while I am working, as long as it is tidy/not scruffy. I may also get to assist in the bar so I can sneak in some more bar tending experience while I'm at it;)

Is it just me, or does Christmas get more draining as you get older?

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Friday, December 16, 2005

Hang Dog

Why is it that I've been feeling a little bit more grumpy lately? I can only guess that it's a mixture to do with money worries, jobs, relationship stuff and frustration about the hard things about life.

I went to Hang Dog yesterday. I climbed the easy wall right to the top easily and comfortably. I even had a go on one of the walls with an overhang part, but my arms weren't strong enough to lift me up passed it.

I thought trying to climb those walls at Hang Dog would bring back old memories of climbing a portable wall that was brought to my old primary school one time, which I climbed to the top on... but only just since I was shorter and more afraid of heights back then. But I remember feeling afraid as I was climbing the old portable wall that was brung to my old school about ten years ago.

At Hang Dog, when I was being shown how to belay, it took me embarassingly longer than everyone else to understand how to do it. The instructor showed me how to do it twice. After my second attempt, he said "STOP THINKING AND JUST FOLLOW!"... those words stand out in my mind... it's just another example when I've thought too much...even thought I can't remember what I was thinking about at the time. Yet I find it amusing anyway. It's good to be able to laugh at yourself in times of trouble and peril.

Mind Stuff

At the moment I'm reading a book about "Mind Power". It talks about mind techniques such as visualisation, affirmations, seeding, beliefs etc. One of the things it says is that people should spend 5 to 10 minutes everyday visualising about their goals that they want to accomplish. It specifically says that you have to visualise the goals as if you have already accomplished them.

But apparently that sort of thing only works on supposedly 60% of people. So how do you know if ur one of the 60% of people where it does work, or one of the 40% where it doesn't work? Because it's more difficult to try visualising something when you have the doubt in your mind that it might not actually work on you.

But then again, what if it actually works on everyone and the only reason that it doesn't work on supposedly 40% of people is because 40% of people don't believe it would work on them anyway.

But then a counter argument against that is that everyone has a different psychological make-up and therefore it could only work on 60% of people...

... I think too much... lol.

So about the last post (this is especially for e-j!!! ;) ) the reason why the frog could make it up to the top of the tower when all the other frogs couldn't, and when the odds were stacked against the little frog, and when the village people howled insults and negative affirmations at the little frog was... *wait for it*... was because the little frog was deaf! That's right! Deaf! :O

No steriods, no cheating, climbing lessons or magical powers! lol

The tiny little frog was deaf. But then in the story, you kinda have to wonder how the little frog didn't see all the other bigger frogs falling off the tower as well... so maybe the little frog was half blind as well ;) either that or the little frog was just so fixed in concentration!

So there could have been other factors as well that helped the little frog. As Spongebob would say: "use your ImAgInAtIoN!!" *big cheerful whining tone* lol.