Sunday, August 27, 2006

Peanut butter

What's peanut butter without nuts? What's toothpaste without the paste? What is anything without a purpose to it? It's just... ThErE!

Too much time on my hands allows me too much time for getting depressed. It's easy to do. So many things to be depressed about: ageing, faults with my personality, change, having nothing to do, not having a reason for anything. I'm just here, passing the time until I kindly spit the dummy, pass the rope, finish the job. And so stupidly, anything worth having doesn't come easy... fuk that. Stupid real life HA! So if all your doing is working and your not enjoying living, then really, what is the point?

I'm pretty sure it's not uncommon to have small depressing thoughts.

Sometimes I get depressed about how old I am, and how my time is racing away and I'm not doing anything. Next thing ya know I'll be 30 then 40 then 50 then 60 and feeling even older. Then I'll be 80 and still wishing I was just even 20 years younger.

Oh well. Back to wishing I wanted to eat more fruits and vegetables and get more exercise everyday so that I could live longer and be more energetic... Stupid fatty sugary stuff. Why's it have to be so nice to have! If only fruits and vegetables were nice and easy to eat!

And exercise? Well that's easy to get if your doing a sport. But the only real exercise I've been getting is walking up to uni. Although I've been doing dance, it doesn't have much exercise in it... I've been thinking of maybe taking up something like karate, but the thought of how much exercise that would be is slightly offputting. One of the reasons I stopped judo years ago was cos it was too tiring... I just don't want to be a chubby old bald guy with glasses and a pot-belly. I just remembered Murphy's Law and how the mind doesn't recognise negative particples very well... if I think about it too much, it may just happen (argggh)

I've noticed they've changed the layout of the Windows Live Spaces. Personally, I liked the old style better. But why did they have to change it? It was absolutely fine the way it was before! No reason I can see for why they had to go and change the style apart from it might have been a nice little project to do for a while.

I would have also said that there was no reason for changing the New Zealand coins, but I hear it cost more to make a 50 cent coin that what the coin was worth! Haha! But the change has caused a lot of inconvience for many. (Ha, is there a slight pun there? lol)

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