Saturday, September 23, 2006

One word: blah

One word: blah.

Isn't it just funny how shops never advertise to say how they've just put up their prices. Like they advertise all the time to say they've decreased their prices or are having a huge mega sale... but they never advertise to say they've just increased their prices by 10% or anything. And ever since all this crisis in the middle east, prices have increased a lot.

Quite a while ago I went into the Uni Stop shop to buy a pie, expecting the pie to cost $1.50. I even opened up my wallet to grab out a dollar coin and a 50 cent coin in advance, but to my striken surprise I was told the pies now cost $1.60 so I had to grab another 10 cents out or my wallet. AN EXTRA 10 CENTS. I was sad to let that extra 10 cents go but the benefits of having a pie instead of a 10 cent coin were too tempting.

And the other night I ordered some Domino's pizza. I expected the cost to be $20 for two pizzas delivered. So I talked to the phone operator and told him "Hi, I'd like, er, um, one Godfather um on thin and crispy, and er, one Mr Wedge on pan base"
The phone operator said "ok, that'll be $23.90 and will be at your place in 30 mins."
"$23.90!!?!?" I shouted
"Yea. Is that alright?" said the phone operator
"Yea, ok then", I said.
The price was slightly more expensive but seeing as I just can't ever resist pizza, I gave in. I even knew that Domino's pizzas probably cost less than $3 to make seeing as I used to work there. I was even glad they had resisted the temptation to add an extra 10 cents onto their price to make it a whole number interger of $24.00 *sarcasm*. But $3.90 is still quite a bit when your just a poor little student struggling to finance your normal life... not that I get pizza very often... Okay, maybe three times a month.

I blame all these price increases on the rise in stupid oil prices. It's always stupid oil prices isn't it. The Middle-East has a problem and then the whole world suffers from all the shops suddenly increasing their prices.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Decision That Killed

One decision that you make can change the rest of your life. One decision that you make within a split second could change everything. You might not have even realised that you had to make a decision. But one decision that you make can change a lot of things.

Like that movie called Sliding Doors with Gyneth Paltrow in it. The movie was set in two dimensions, or two possible outcomes that happened when she tried to catch the train. In the 1st dimension she was on time to catch the train where she got to work, had a miserable day then came home and then came home to be with her partner. However in the 2nd dimension she missed the train, was late to work and got fired, came home in time to see that her partner was actually cheating on her and her life all fell apart from then. But she rebuilt it. She grew her own business and found someone new who she really liked. As opposed to when she caught the train she never realised that her life was a false miserable one. As a twist in the end, the one in the 2nd dimension who missed her train ended up getting hit by a bus and dying in hospital. The moral of that story was: never miss your train. Oh yes, and never get hit by buses!

Though the reason why she missed the train could have simply been because she decided to make herself a cup of coffee (or anything else for that matter) in the morning when she didn't have enough time without missing her train and that killed her. But she made her decision, unknowingly that she had just signed her death warrant.

Each decision you make comes with a consequence. Even the failure to make a decision and do nothing, as technically, that could be a decision in itself. If you just sit there and do nothing, that is a decision, one that you may have taken simply because you couldn't decide what you wanted to do. Someone has quoted once that someone who makes a good CEO is someone who always makes a decision whether it be the right one or the wrong one they still make a decision. And everyday you have to decide something whether it be left, right, up down, front, behind, black, white, fast food, sea food, Chinese food. You can't escape it.

And it might be that you don't get to decide something for yourself. As people in high positions of power can influence you, or manipulate you or just totally f**k you over. Like the leader of some nuclear country might stupidly decide to go and nuke your home country as a demonstration of their superior power to the larger countries. Although stupid and foolish that might be, there are about 6.4 billion people on this planet and that's the potential to be a lot of stupid fools out there.

Or something slightly more likely is that you could be killed in a car crash because some drunk driver chose to drink and drive. Probably without thinking about it either, they may have just decided they wanted to go home, hopped in their car, drove off, crashed, and killed you as you were innocently going somewhere in a car. But that drunk driver probably didn't even think he would crash. In fact, he probably didn't even think cos he was too trashed. And that comes back to his first beer that he slogged down his throat that ended up leading to that fatal accident involving you.

In the Western democratic countries there are more decisions that people are able to make for themselves, as opposed to one of those Middle-Eastern dictatorship countries where all the power lies with one person. Liberty is good and evil is bad, and George Bush likes playing off the "good and evil" cliché, but you are most likely wise enough to make decisions for yourself. And even if you stuff up with a nasty mistake, at least you learnt something... unless you were lucky enough to get it right first go... Damn, you'd make me jealous.

And, ironically, as I've been barbbling away here, I have been trying to decide, or even procrastinating on deciding whether I am going to go up to a friend's house to watch dvds.
