Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Touch typing

Iv ben ptractuicing otouch typing recently, which is what im doin now as i type. I am also not deleting the mistakes i make as i type either, hense the mistakes at the start,. I;l'm typing very slowly at the mioment bytut il get faster the more i ptac practice.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

UI have rin run out of things to say now while touch typing so i am going to go now,.

Good bye


Vincent McNabb said...

Good luck with your touch typing. That's also what I'm doing now :)

Yes, you will get faster with practice. Crap! I always type "The quick brow fox jumps over the lazy dog" when I can't think of anything to type. I do delete mistakes when I make them.

Your version doesn't have an 's' in it.

Vincent McNabb said...

btw Brown is supposed to have an 'n' in it. :(