Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Sometimes life feels so repetitive. Our lives are made up of seconds which make up mintues which make up hours which make up days which make up weeks which make up years which make up decades which make up centuries, and by the time a century arrives, ur probably dead already.

And when you die, i can imagine some greater entity (maybe god/(a) god, if he/she/one exists) telling you "oops, your life has slipped by already. Too bad."

I feel like im not old enough to do anything great yet, so I just live in my own tedious little world (I like to call it 'cycling') where I just cycle between guitar, university, study, tv, sleep, guitar, tv, university, study, sleep, with the occasional "party/social get-together with friends" in between. And all this makes up my week (which makes up most of my year, which could make up a decade, which could easily start making up my life).

But maybe i'm being pessimistic about saying that this is what i'll do until i'm dead. Well this is what il be doing, except over the years there will be small variations in my 'cycle'.

It's possible that in a few years, my cycle will start going like this: "guitar, job, tv, sleep, guitar, job, tv, sleep, AGAIN with the occasional 'party/social get-together with friends" in between."

And then a few more years later:

"guitar, job, look after kids, tv, sleep, guitar, job, look after kids, tv, sleep, with the occasional 'social get-together with friends" in between." But probably no more things quite resembling a 'part-tay' because I will be too old :(

And in my mind, a week would usually pass like this:

Monday -"hmm, a Monday. Well time to start a new week. This time i'm going to try harder. But isn't there a good movie on tonight?"

Tuesday- "Ah yes, another day. I wonder what's on tv tonight. I can't wait till Wednesday cos then it will be half way through the week and closer to Friday."

Wednesday- Ah Ha!. I've survived through Monday and Tuesday. Time for a beer.

Thursday- So close to a Friday. On Friday i'l be able to relax.

Friday- I'l just get through the day and then I can relax and drink and maybe go to the movies and I can look forward to the day off tomorrow.

Saturday- I either do nothing or i go do something with friends

Sunday- Aww the end of a week-end and time to go back to working/university tomorrow.

And then it's MONDAY again! WooOOO HHoooOO

I'm not complaining or anything. I'm just simply saying LIFE IS RATHER TEDIOUS!

BUT, i suspect deep down in my mind, I like life to be tedious for some reason. And a funny thing is I DON'T LIKE the fact that I possibly LIKE life being tedious.

I know another change I can look forward to in my 'cycle'! And that is becoming a part of the "rat race". In other words becoming a part of the work force.(In no way do I want to be on the dole either. I think you should only be on the dole if your disabled from working, or if your really old;) )" But every time I catch the train to Wellington (or when I catch the train back from Wellington) I see everyone (probably hundreds of people) rushing to catch the train. And all these people are either wearing black suits, rain coats, fancy jackets, or in other words, typical office clothing. They are a part of the work force and trapped in the "rat race", I keep thinking of them as sheep being hearded or a bunch of mindless zombies. And I know that i'm getting sucked into the rat race and I'm strugglin to find a way to get out. One of my solutions has been to try start a business (could be by a partnership;) ) which could help stop me from becoming just another "suit" :( (Not just me. I think there are other ways other ppl could get out of the so called rat race as well.)

And that's another thing. Why is life full of so many paradoxes!
(I've written enough now. Paradoxes are another topic)


Vincent McNabb said...

Rat Race

What a cliché. Even the word "cliché" is a cliché these days.

Things may seem very repetitive, mundane and uninteresting, but in reality are just small pieces of something much more dynamic and rich.

Take for instance the parts of a computer. At an electronic level, only three things ever happen:
This 1 becomes a 0
This 0 becomes a 1
This bit stays the same

And yet, somehow, all fitted together, it creates something that can play games, do word-processing, music, videos, industrial design and control applications.

For another example, take the construction of a house. It pretty much consists of:
1. Place a piece of wood
2. Bang in a nail
3. Go to 2 until no more nails needed
4. Go to 1 until house built.

And yet something is created with character. People live, sleep, cook, eat, play and work inside.

Obviously the two examples above are simplified. The point is, look at the bigger picture. Things are much easier to understand at the micro level, but are much more interesting at a macro level.

So, live in the micro level, but observe the macro.

Samuel Field said...

Yea well i didn't want to waste time trying to think of some other name when i could instead just say "rat race" ;)

And interesting metaphors: I'm going to remember those and one day tell my future grandchildren that "life is like hammering in a bunch of nails" lol.

...or "life is like one big whole supercompter made up of 1s and 0s"