Tuesday, October 04, 2005

M.I.B. S.O.P.H.I.E.

I saw a white van today that had M.I.B. written in black on it. Then I thought: "so the Men In Black" are REAL!!!!" But then I realised... No one had flashed me afterwards... lol

Anyway, my dad came back from London today after being away for ten days. I can tell he spent a lot of time in book shops cos he's given us a lot of books as "coming-home presents" (as I will call them). Still, I know im really spoilt and i wasnt expecting anything anyway, but the books are really faccinating to read. (One of them was about how to speak Latin.)

And Sophie (she's my dog)... she's been ok. However Kim and I have made up a new nickname for her: RATBAG!. Yep, Sophie is a ratbag!.

Things she does that bring her this name:

-Sits on the sofa when she's not allowed to be on the sofas. I often used to say to her really loudly "SOPHIE, OFF SOFA!" but apparently she gets confused between her name, Sophie, and sofa. So now i just say "OFF SOFA!"

-She still occasionally goes toilet on the carpet. In which case we say "BAD DOG. BAD DOG. OUTSIDE!" And then we put her outside to try teach her that there are consequences to her actions, and (last but not least) to not piss/poo on the carpet.Sometimes it seems like she prefers to piss inside on the carpet.

- She still likes to chew on shoes or what ever she can get her paws/mouth on. The other day she got into a bag of icing sugar and smeared it all over the kitchen floor. We vacuumed it up and it was funny cos she started barking at the vacuum cleaner. It appeared as tho she was sad to see her supply of icing sugar disappear.

And now Sophie seems to be learning how to push doors open. This is very worrying since it diminishes our only line of defense for our precious shoes and clothing lying on the ground in our bedrooms.

Anyhow, Sophie is quite a funny dog. The funniest thing she does is when you are doing something, she sits on the ground in front of you, tilts her head sideways and stares at you confusingly. When she does this to me, it makes me feel like i have to do something interesting to entertain her.

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...


That dog really does sound very entertaining. But now I have reason to be frightened, terrified out of my wits. Lijun wants to buy a dog, and she wants me to build a fence to keep it in.

I want her to get a German Shepherd (Alsatian), but she does not. Oh well.

BTW, you need to delete those spam posts from your blog, and turn on the "captcha" to stop people doing that again. If you don't know what I mean, I'll show you on Friday.

Thats right, come around on Friday, and get free food + free beer + free film.

Anyway, keep posting, I'm hanging on your every word... (Not to be patronising or anything!)