Monday, September 12, 2005

Education... probabilites

Well my results at uni have been consistently dropping this trimester. I think it's got something to do with my philosophy that a grade/result is merely a letter/number written on a piece of paper, and as long as you have the knowledge, you don't need the grade... which i spose iv used as an excuse to slack off with studying.

Maybe it's to do with all the mind sets i've had about education:

As i've heard it, school was originally started in Greece in some year BC where it was designed to educate and mould ppl into a system whereby they were better able to serve the lords and kings of the land, and that system has largely carried on into modern times. In other words C.E.O.s and large business owners are the "lords and kings" now and we go to school to learn how to be good employees...

Completely off the topic, here's an interesting probability question:

If you toss two fair coins, and one of them is a heads, what's the probability the other one's a heads also?

Is it:

A) 0.5
B) 0.25
C) 0.3333'
D) 0.6666'
E) I couldn't give a sack of horse manure but can I have the coins anyway?

Well... you think the answer's going to be written on this post now? nope, not yet, it'll be a couple more days first lol.

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

Before you throw either coin, the probability of them both being Heads is 0.25.

After you have throw one, which was a head, the probability of the next one being a head is 0.5.

Branches mate. Pure simple no-education-needed logic.