Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Rolling Stones and moo-sic

Hmm, I'm bored. That's surprising cos I don't get bored much. So I figured I'd write another post.

I went to THE Rolling Stones Concert yesterday(18/04/06) and it was great. The stadium was pretty much sold out with about 35,000 people there all cheering for the Rolling Stones. And that beats the number of people who were at Edgefest since at Edgefest there was probably about 8,000 people whereas for just the Rolling Stones there was 35,000. But this is hardly anything compare to what the Rolling Stones are used to! They once did a free live concert in Rio De Janero in Brazil with 1 million people in attendance to watch them live!!!:O That's a quarter of New Zealand!!!!

And with all this trashy punk rock music that I normally listen to, it makes me think that I really do listen to only a small range of the type of music released like Green Day, Goodnight Nurse, All American Rejects, Elemeno P, Blink 182 etc. (I can't list all my favourite bands cos it'd take too long;) ) Though I have been trying to listen to other types of music a bit like I really like a song from KT Tunstall called Suddenly I See! And I also try to throw in a bit of classical music and country music sometimes! And Jack Johnson, James Blunt and Goldenhorse are awesome too! I think it's good to listen to a wide range of music since it just seems better for the brain that way!

Anyway, back to talking about the Rolling Stones concert (geez isn't it amazing how the mind can wander sometimes.) The concert was good but it was almost ruined for me since I had 2 ppl in front of me smoking cigarettes and another 2 poeple smoking cigarettes to my right. I ended up breathing in the smoke for a bit after which I started feeling a heavy compressing feeling inside my chest which felt like I had just been drugged.... So I started holding my breath, and then I couldn't concentrate on the concert anymore. (RANDOM FACT: ur brain uses up most of ur oxygen intake, so if you don't think as you hold ur breath, you can hold your breath for longer!!!) . Eventually I swapped places with my dad and they stopped smoking so much, but I was told that I shouldn't care since it was a blimin' Rock and Roll Conert!!! But I say that just cos it was a Rock and roll concert, doesn't mean your invincible to everything around you! And you still feel any effects afterwards! But yeah, I don't think my ears had that typical high pitched ringing sound in them after the conert!

And I might stop writing here since I fear that I could have written too much and be boring everyone with my ranting.

So bye bye, toodle doo, ta ta, au revoir and till next time!
(Ahhh, random thought, why do we say "Rock and Roll" rather than "Roll and Rock"?)

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