Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Hmm, just now I got one of those pop-ups which shows $10,000 flashing in large yellow writing with a red back ground. Only two problems with this pop-up:

1) The rest of the pop-up was written in arabic so I could not understand a single word of what it said!
2) I notice it said $10000 (ten thousand DOLLARS). In general, DOLLARS implies American DOLLARS! And the accepted legal currency in Saudi Arabia is the Saudi Arabian Riyal (SR). So why's a pop-up written in Arabic using dollars?

Anyway, that wasn't what I was meaning this particular "BLOG POST" to be about (lol). Nope, the reason I was writing this post was to complain about what a horrible day I just had:O Nope, JUST KIDDING, I had a pretty good day today;)

Anyway, I'm going off what I was intending to "rant" about again *cough*

Ahem *clears throat*

Right. My day started off with getting up today at 9:40am. It was a Tuesday today and that was good cos Tuesday is the only working day of the week where I don't have to get up at 7am! And I only had to set one alarm clock this morning, cos I have recently been using two alarm clocks to make sure that I don't sleep through their horrible disturbing ringing noises (Alarm clocks are just things you love to hate!!!!!;). However, when I got up today, my lower back arm muscle was all stiff and painful. It hurt as much as getting a dentist filling done without anesthetic:O I don't know why my lower back arm muscle was sore, since it was all fine before I went to sleep. I must have been sleeping in some awkward position. This isn't the first time I've hurt a muscle in my sleep (geez, it's not like I do hard-out fitness routines in my sleep). I've twice had a stiff painful neck from sleeping in some awkward position that I don't know what it was cos I was asleep!

Some people do funny things when they're asleep. I've known myself to sleep while holding one of my arms vertically straight up into the air, where I would suddenly wake up and wonder what I was doing with my arm up in the air like that:O Don't worry, I haven't started sleep walking yet;) But my mum has apparently sleep walked once or twice:S I hope that's not a gene that you can inherit!:O

And when hypnotists hypnotise you, they get you into that very suggestive state which is just before you fall asleep. Maybe it's even a special type of sleep if you will. But I don't know. I'm not a hypnotist... Although I would like to be hehe...

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