Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Denying bananas

Something that really annoys me is that no matter how much you try and deny something, people always think the way you don't want them to!

So as an example, pretend that i said I didn't like bananas.

Like if I said "I really truthfully don't like bananas", people can tend to think the opposite that you do like bananas. And no matter how much you say that you don't like bananas, people always start to think more and more that you do like bananas. In fact, it seems the more you try to deny the fact that you don't like bananas, people think more and more that you DO like bananas.

The reason I have for this is that the human mind doesn't pick up negative stuff very well, and so even though the person will conciously hear "I really truthfully don't like bananas", their mind will still interpret it as "I really truthfully do like bananas!" And also the more you try and deny it the more desparate you look at denying it that people think it must indeed be true!

So when you find yourself in one of those situations where the more you try and deny something the more people think the opposite of what your meaning, try say something that's positive.
So in the case of saying you don't like bananas, try saying "I like apples instead".

Did ya get all that?

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

That is probably true for a lot of people. However, people that are very social (and therefore have more practice with talking and listening, bla bla) will pick up on the negative more easily. Also a lot of people will keep saying you like something, even though you don't, just because they want to annoy you/offend you slightly.