Thursday, January 18, 2007

Those f*@#-ing new hours

I've liked working at the kiosk in the train station for New World but since I've had to get my time-table changed, and everyone elses' time-tables have had to be changed, I now have the dilema of only being offerred hours I really don't like at all. That or just leave New World.

The hours I'm being offerred while being at uni are:
Friday 3:30pm to 8pm
Saturday 6am to 2pm
Sunday 9am to 5:30pm

This comes to 21 hours work per week during the 1st uni trimester. This sucks because I only wanted 10 hours for the uni trimester so that I could be certain that I could keep up with assignments. However I've been told that I either accept all these hours or I get no hours. Ah yes, I need to mention that having these hours would mean that I would have almost no night-life whatsoever because to get out of bed on 4:30am on a Saturday to catch a 5am train to Wellington and also out of bed at 8am on a Sunday means that I will need to be in bed by at least mid-night on both Friday and Saturday when Friday and Saturday are probably the best days of the week to go bar-hopping in town. This majorly sucks! (Most of us would have already heard this expression => it sucks big fat hairy donkey balls).

I've talked to my parents about those hours and they have come to the impression that I have had everything way too easy and that I have just been cruising around for the last 4 months or so. But I guess it's just those early starts that cause me the most pain cos I am certainly not a morning person. I am a night person. I prefer hours in the evening. Not morning. Evening. But I am cursed with morning.

But as always, the thought that I don't actually have it as bad comparatively to other places in the world like Asia and Africa comes to my mind. I think of the people who are forced to sit in factories in Asia sewing clothes for 10 cents an hour all day for every day of the week. Or the people in Africa who are forced to work on a farm all day everyday to make food just to survive.

And here I am getting quite easily over $200 a week complaining that I will have to work 6am Saturday morning to keep my job and that I am being forced to have more hours than I actually want!!! I should be glad I've got some kind of job.

Anyway, accounting for those hours and all the uni stuff like assignments during the week will mean that I will have no social life for a good 3 months.

Sorry my friends.
My only hope for any clubbing around will be Wednesday.
Yea I know it's the end of my world as I know it.

I'd be interested to know if anyone has any tips on how to make it easier to be happy only getting 4 hours sleep a night.

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