Thursday, April 28, 2005

Assignments and tutorials

The assignments never stop coming. Whenever i finish one, there's always at least another one that i need to do: I do four papers this trimester at university in which I get one chemistry assignment a week, one economics assignment every two weeks, one Commerce and Administration(FCOM) assignment every three weeks, and one Marketing tutorial preparation assignment every two weeks. But together, all this piles up so that it seems that i hardly ever have a free weekend where I don't have to complete any assignments. I guess it's not that bad considering one of my friends from my FCOM tutorial has got 4 assignments to complete in 6 days! That's a lot. I'd have trouble doing that.

Also, i'm really liking my FCOM tutorials now. I always go to them slightly nervous for some reason, but when i'm there, i always have a laugh and get to talk to some interesting people. In fact, i don't ever remember yawning in my FCOM tutorials (I can't compare that to any of my other tutorials). And we do learn things as well. I think we've just got an interesting tutor who knows how to make things interesting (plus I have some interesting people in my group for which we are meant to run an imaginary business in. My group specialises in agriculture and is called "Cows R' us" hehe.

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