Saturday, April 16, 2005

Top Fivers/Sevens

My top five favourite food:
1. Pizza
2. Sushi
3. Potatoe top pies
4. chocolate
5. cracker biscuits

My top seven favourite drinks
1. beer
2. burbon
3. fizzy drink(coke etc.)
4. vodka
5. wine
6. chocolate milk
7. natural orange juice

Top five short jokes:
1. Why did the chicken cross the road?
Cos its car was on the other side
2. Why are soccer fields always wet?
Cos the players keep on dribbling
3. What has a bottom at the top?
A leg
4. Why should u never play golf in Wainui?
Cos where ever you hit the ball, it will always go down a hole
5. Knock knock!
Who's there?
I dunno...

Top five favourite colours:
1. royal blue
2. yellow
3. green
4. red
5. "grey-peach beige!!"

Top five things to do when ur drunk:
1. Get more drunk
2. Walk in a straight line
3. Say 'specificity' really fast as many times as you can
4. Tell everyone that u knew someone who was electroencephalographically challenged once.
5. Do things that u wouldn't otherwise be able to do and then excuse yourself for doing it because you were drunk.
6. slur all ur words and put 'sh' in front of every word that u say
7. play drinking games

Top five random numbers that i can think of at the moment:
1. 34746
2. 13
3. 542
4. 667
5. 1, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 001

Tops five pick-up lines for science students (from Vic magzine Salient:
1. Can I help you fill your test tube?
2. You and me have a chemical reaction
3. You wanna see my beta particles?
4. May I fertilise your egg?
5. I'm not wearing anything under my lab coat

Top five useless facts
1. Bill Gates earns $200 a second
2. All polar bears are left handed
3. Pigs can't jump
4. Bats always turn left when exiting a cave
5. Flys taste things with their legs

Top seven ways of saying hello to people:
1. Hey
2. Hello
3. Hi
4. *say hello in another language*
5. g'day mate
6. g'day governor *big aussie accent*
7. Greetings Earth human... muahahaha

Top five most commonly said things in a conversation:
1. lol
2. yea
3. ok
4. na
5. ...*snort*

Top seven ways of saying goodbye to people:
1. bye
2. c ya later
3. toodle-doo
4. *say good bye in another language*
5. fuck off
6. hasta la vista, baby!
7. G2g 2 bed now, bye

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