Monday, June 27, 2005


I have began to sense more than ever now, that wearing a uniform defines how people identify you.

The reason I say this is because ever since I have started working at Domino's, I have felt that I have became "just another Domino's pizza delivery guy". It has gone so far that I feel it has became my second identity: "normal me" by day, and "just another Domino's pizza delivery guy by night".

For example, when i went on my first delivery i ever did, I was delivering to a middle-aged women. When I went to meet her at her door, she said "oh hi, Domino's". She said "Domino's" as if I was the whole Domino's pizza company combined into one person, even though i had only just started working there and was only delivering a pizza. I felt like saying "HelloooOOO, my name's SAMMMM! Read the name tag, lady!", but I didn't because I know it's a common mistake for ppl to make, especially older people (I dunno why), and apart from that, she seemed like a pretty friendly woman.

Also, i fear that if my parents (or anyone else for that matter) see me wearing my work uniform, they will look at me as more of a system, rather than a person. (I always try to hide my uniform around the house, under a big pile of clothes or hidden away in my wardrobe).

I have never experienced this problem on this larger scale before. For instance, I did have to wear school uniform to both Hutt Intermediate and Hutt Valley High School, but the problem wasn't as bad then. I did feel like i was becoming a part of the school by wearing the school uniform, but it wasn't so bad because nearly all my friends had to wear uniform as well. And then, eventually, going to the school (either Hutt Intermediate of HVHS) became a part of my identity, and I began to wear my uniform with pride. Ya see, I was one of those ppl that supported wearing school uniform;)... for a number of reasons because:

1) You don't have to decide what to wear each morning
2) You don't have to worry about what's in good fashion sense to wear
3) You can save all your best clothes up for better occasions
4) School uniforms often make you look smarter

And there are possibily even more reasons that I can't think of right now.

But my point is... that wearing a uniform associates you with the organisation that the uniform portrays, even though it is just a whole lot of clothing, and you assume the identity of the organisation while you are wearing it.

Now, there is a type of person that absolutely annoys me. And that is the type of person who sees someone wearing a uniform, and then assumes that person to be just a drone/pawn of the organisation the uniform associates with, instead of an individual. This type of person feels that they can demand anything from anyone within an organisation. For example, if this type of person ordered a pizza from a pizza company, and their pizza hadn't arrived after an hour, they would ring up the pizza company and shout, scream and rant at the first person they came into contact with who worked at the pizza place, whining things to them like "where is my pizza?", "what is your problem?", "doesn't your company want to make any profit???"meanwhile the poor person on the other side is thinking or saying things like:"ok, i'm sorry. Relax while i go find out what the problem was", "it's not MY fault!!!", "go away you old rant!" and "doesn't this person see me as an individual. I am only an employee here and it does not affect me how much profit this company makes". (Don't get me wrong. Companies do need to make profit in the long-run.) I have never had this happen to me so far, but i have seen it happen before... because i see my dad as being like this. I love my dad heaps and heaps, but i try to imply my point to him.

Wow, i feel a lot better now, but i wasn't intending on writing this much... I only ment to write a couple of paragraphs. But this is the reason why i like my blog: I can write whatever i like in it!:D

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