Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Freaky frogs

I thought about something lame for the title of this post like "a frogs tail", but that's just too lame! besides, frogs don't have tails.

Anyway, here's an interesting fable about a frog:

Once upon a time in a magical kingdom (of course), there stood a large tower. One day, all the bravest frogs from land and sea decided to run a competition to see which frog could climb to the top of the tower first.

All the competing frogs gathered at the bottom of the great tower ready to climb. Meanwhile the towns people and peasants had heard about the grand competition of the frogs and also gathered at the bottom of the tower to watch the frogs attempt to climb it. But many of the towns people were skeptical and thought the frogs were fools for even considering to try climb the great tower.

At the word "go", all the frogs began to climb. The crowd booed and shouted. Many frogs fell off after only climbing a metre. The crowd continued booing and shouting.

"Give up! You'll never make it!."
"Why try? You're not going to reach the top of the tower"
"Stupid frogs!"

And as the crowd continued to boo and shout their forceful insults, more frogs fell off and eventually, the frogs realised how impossible the climb to the top of the great tower was. This continued to happen until only a few frogs remained. By this time, the remaining frogs were quite close to the top.

The crowd kept booing.

"Foolish frogs! You're all tired now. You're not going to make it"

Eventually the few remaining frogs fell off... except for one little frog who managed to reach the top of the tower.

Why did this frog make it to the top of the tower when the other frogs could not? Well you may have heard this story before, but if you haven't, take a guess!


But I'll tell you why the tiny frog was the only one to reach the top of the tower in the next post.

N.B: it's not because the little frog had climbing lessons!;) and I do not know if the tiny frog won the love of a beautiful princess either... but that's how a typical fairy tale would go aint it!;)

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