Friday, November 11, 2005

Grrrrrr *sigh*

People in the world are like scavengers, vultures, piranas. They take everything they can get away with. They try to get every little cent out of everthing possible. And they'll eat anything they can. You can't trust people to respect your property. Because they don't even have any reason to care anyway. No matter what happens to your possessions, no ones cares unless it affects them in some way or especially inconviences them.

Our brain is programmed to do everything it can to survive. If we can easily survive, then we will do everything we can to make our survival more "luxurious". So instead of having to live off the bear necessities for survival, we'd like to have other luxuries along with that. Like fries are quite nice. You can say "Yay, I'm alive. Yes, I'd like fries with that."

You don't have to understand what I was meaning. I'm just letting off steam for the fact that I lost my wallet, my car keys and my phone in the same day, all in separate situations. So the casualty count goes like this:

Wallet: I've now lost 8 times
Phone: Only lost once
Car keys: Lost twice.

I'm to starting to consider my wallet to be a 'lucky wallet' since it has always been found again, and I've taken it everywhere I can think of for the past 10 years... It's been so long, I can't remember how long I've had my wallet for, but i've been counting how mant times I've lost it.

But that's not why I'm pissed off at the moment. The reason why I'm pissed off is that someone took $70 cash out of my wallet and all my gold coins. I had plans for that $70 and I worked hard for it. Now I've lost it. And that was about 40% of all the money I had, and it was going to have to last me until I got a permanent job.

Ok, so you might say I got off lightly. That's possibly quite true. But I've got off lighter than that all the other times. It's just now, some jerk went and took all my money out of my wallet. Fine, that same jerk was probably the one who returned my wallet after having raped all the money from it. So then, I would now call that arsehole, whoever it was, a kind and considerate F***ing jerk.

If you've ever had something stolen from you, you'd know the feeling!

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