Sunday, March 12, 2006

Famous Tips From Society!

Ok, another thought has hit me today.Ya know how there's been all those advertisments in the past that say things like:

- Eat 5 fresh fruit and vegetables a day
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
- Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night
- Recommended daily intake of fat is 30 grams
- Don't share drink bottles
- Always wash your hands after going to the toilet
-Don't hook up with more than one person within a two week time period
-Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap (put on a hat, put on some sunscreen and put on some sun glasses)

Well, I have one teeny ween incy bitsy little question to ask: DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY DO ANY OF THAT SHIT!???

Ok well I certainly don't manage to eat 5 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables a day, I don't drink 8 glasses of water a day, I aim to get 8 hours sleep a night but that doesn't happen much now, I'm always concious of whether I am eating around 30 grams of fat every day, but I never share spit from drink bottles. I always wash my hands after visiting nature lol and I'm often very careful about kissing, although I don't often put on more than a cap and sunglasses when I'm out in the Sun!

I've been observing people a bit lately, and from what I can tell, everyone only actually does a small proportion of those things listed above.

This is like an extension to that last post on hooking up sitting just below this one. But does anyone really listen to what the government tells them is healthy and what isn't. Another example is smoking. The government's like "DON'T SMOKE THESE THEY ARE EXTREMELY BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH AND CONTAINS OVER 200 DIFFERENT POISONS!"

Yet lots of people are just like "meh, it makes me feel good and it's too hard giving up, so I'll just keep smoking and see what happens."

Does anyone actually have much bliming sense in this world which is filled up with utter stupidity! But then again, who actually listens to what the government tells them? except for countries run under communism or dicatorship! (only cos people are forced to do what they're told under those types of governments!) But then wait, maybe everyone should be forced to do what's best for themselves! And then again, isn't everyone perfectly capable of knowing what's best for them by themselves!? Maybe or maybe not, but one thing's for sure, the workings of everyone's minds are COMPLETELY UNLOGICAL! (or is that illogical?)

But for now, I'm going to stop writing here and go drink lots and lots of alcohol so that I get the kind privilege of feeling like crap the next morning and vomiting all over the bath room floor. (That was sarcasm by the way!)

Just another point: I think it's a lot better drinking just enough alcohol to get that sensational buzz but not enough alcohol so that you end up vomitting everywhere like an errupting volcano!

Wow, do you have any idea how long (in years) all that ranting has been building up inside my mind, yet I only managed to put it all into words now!

Also, another useful tip: if you have to do it, use a condom!

Thank You!

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