Friday, March 10, 2006

Small Rant About Kissing

Here's a little rant!
Apparently, 1 out of 5 people have Meningococcal bacteria asleep in their saliva.

"French kissing with multiple partners (within a two week time period) almost quadruples a teenager’s risk of spinal meningitis, a potentially life-threatening disease, according to a study."

In this case, multiple partners includes any number of partners greater than one. And according to the website above, hooking up with multiple partners increases your risk of getting Meningococcal bacteria by 3.7 times. So remember back to the last party you went to and who hooked up and so that means that those who hooked up with more than one person are now 3.7 times likelier to get meningitis? But then again, if this is true, why is it that half the teen population hasn't ended up in hospital from meningitis? Perhaps the chance of getting meningitis in the first place was already really low anyway.

The meningitis vaccine only protects you against one form of meningitis so you are not protected from getting other forms of meningitis. Although the vaccine would protect you against one form of meningitis, it is still worth getting. I just got my 3rd and final shot the other day!

And now also, another problem with hooking up is that there's not much worse than hooking up with someone who has a cup full of saliva in their mouths, so much so that u can hear the distinctive "slish sloshy" noise of the saliva moving around inside their mouths! And then when they have chocolatey globules of saliva, that's even worse!:O

Something that gets me is how can people at parties casually go round and pash everyone else!!? Damn it, this is annoying me!!!:O

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