Saturday, March 25, 2006

Ranting and classical music and ranting again

Who listens to classical music nowadays. I've just been listening to some on the radio as I was driving my sister's bf home tonight since I couldn't be bothered changing the radio station in my dad's car. Plus classical music is a good change from the stupid old hard-core punk alternative style music that I'm used to hearing. Why is it that if you are aged between 13 and 24, you probably listen to lots of hard out punk alternative music!? I mean there's a lot of other types of music out there like jazz and classical!!! But I'm starting to like the sound of those bands that are punk alternative but incorporate famous classical music tunes into their solos and riffs. It's almost like classical music on the electric guitar. But then is it possible to consider something as being "classical music" when it's played on the electric guitar with distortion!? Or can classical music only be with violins, clarinets, flutes etc. What I actually think on this is that we only like the type of music we do because everyone our own age listens to it and so therefore that type of music becomes a way of identifying who we are, since you never see someone who's 80 years old listening to a Disturbed song do you?
Nope, they'd more likely be listening to music of old jazz musicians from the years around World War II since it is what they are used to and is what they used to listen to when they were young, plus it is a way of identifying their generation! "Cos they don't take shit from their future Generation!"

Asking who we are, I'd say we are stuck in our own small little worlds and are happy to be as well. We turn a blind eye to the things that we'd rather not confront, we pretend everything is all perfect, and we tell lies when we think the truth can be too hurtful. Life is great in New Zealand and the scenery is very beautiful but in places like Africa, rape, murder and poverty are common place. Some families there may be lucky to have a bowl of rice for dinner meanwhile here in New Zealand, think of the countless numbers of sandwiches you threw out at lunch-time cos you were too full to finish them. Or think of how we can quickly drive anywhere in the Wellington region within 30 minutes almost anytime we want. Many families in Africa and other third world countries can't afford any transport or cars apart and so they can only walk somewhere which would take them about quadripple the time than if they could drive.

Now in this paragraph, I just want to point a bit of fun at the New Zealand government. Have you ever seen those ads for Labour's Working For Families Package!? And how in those ads they have this girl sitting comforatbly on a sofa texting on her cell phone with two happy looking parents in the background standing in their flashy white modern looking kitchen. Well this ad is advertising offerrings of more government subsidies to middle class families. Yet the funny thing is that some of these middle class families still earn an income that is taxible under the highest tax brackets. So in effect, these middle class families are paying the government lots of money in tax and then getting the money back as government subsidies. This would be all well if getting the money back didn't involve doing lots of paperwork, filling out forms and just general hurdle jumping over everything. (Those of you who have had to enrol at a university or apply for a student loan would know all about having too much form-filling paperwork to fill out.;) So effectively the government is just taking the money and then recycling it back to these middle classed families. What is the point of that?


1 Hour Later:

Ok, well I just got home from picking up my parents after their trip to Australia in Brisbane. They said it was rainy there but it wasn't too much like a storm because the storm only hit the north of Brisbane (wow, I've already done 1 hour 20 minutes of driving tonight!) But they got me a nice 200 mL bottle of Jim Beam which will nicely fit inside my pocket so while at uni I can at least arrive to lectures half unsober for once!

And, i'm sorry but I have to add this: recently I invented a new abbreviation.
A.R.T. can stand for All Righty Then
But then also, hehe, get this:
F.A.R.T. can stand for Fuking All Righty Then!

Lol, they say that once you reach middle age, you become more juvenile as you get older!;)


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