Sunday, June 04, 2006


Right, I just watched a real sad war movie. I very shamefully admit i had some tears in my eyes at the end of it, although I proudly say I still wasn't crying. It was one of those R16 movies (Ohemgee, an R16 movie? really?) and it was a Korean movie in Korean with English subtitles(sooo i see that the Koreans can actually make really good movies. It was called Brotherhood of War btw). My goal is to watch every single R16 movie that says "depicts realistic and graphic war scenes", cos ever since I first watched Saving Private Ryan, I have been ABSOLUTELY ADDICTED TO GRAPHIC REALISTIC WAR SCENE MOVIES!... all the blood and guts and shrapnel and mud and death and detached arms and legs flying everywhere: *druels* - so horrible to watch yet strangely faccinating. The main opening scene of Saving Private Ryan of the landings at Normandy at Omaha beach have left me forever faccinated over bloody battles and war movies. It's just a shame I can rarely stand horror movies.

Yet the one movie that has scared the shit out of me wasn't even a horror movie. Ever since I saw this particular movie I have had nightmares of it for probably at least 6 years after I saw it. I still shiver to think of watching it again nowadays. Basically this movie played on one of my biggest fears: being something I'm not. Funnily it was just a sci-fi movie as well. The thing about Star Trek First Contact (yes, I am guilty of having once been a Trekkie, but I have changed my ways) that scared me the most was the idea that the Borg could just jam a needle in your neck and then within a few seconds your skin would turn all pale and you'd become one of them, just a plain simple Borg drone... that certainly gave me a nervous twitch. And have had the occasional nightmare ever since.

And then the funniest movie I ever saw? well there are a lot of funniest movies I ever saw;) like the Hot Chick, Austin Powers, the Mr Bean movie, the Longest Yard was quite funny, Jackass was hilarious, I seem to remember Dodgeball was quite funny and although I haven't seen Anchorman I've heard that's quite funny as well.

But I don't have an absolutely favourite movie. It's too hard to give that title to just one movie. Many of them are really good. Something Homer Simpson would say: "sooo much fine quality entertainment packed up into just one little box."

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...


Good post, Sammywammykins. It was actually quite funny. I haven't read your blog for quite a long time, actually, I haven't read much of anything for a long time.

Anyway, no life stories, so keep up the writing, it is interesting, and its developing well.

Sir Vincent Eatalot (as my flatmates call me)