Thursday, April 21, 2005

Now for something slightly different

Soo... I need something to write about... what can i write about...i don't really know.... quick, I need something random to suddenly POP into my head so i can write about it.... PEANUT BUTTER!... naa, that's too random...ryt, i'm really bored so im going to count to ten: one two three four five six seven eight nine ten... nope, still bored. Ah well... life isnt always fair, ha.
Oh yeah, that reminds me about something i wanted to say.

Answer this: Why be normal, when you can be slightly weird, and so appear a lot more interesting?

e.g Pretend you are walking down the street and you see a business man walking down the street, wearing a black suit, a black tie, brown hair, carrying a black suitcase, practically blending in with everyone else and appearing to be ur average working person.
However...(can u see where i'm going with this?)
Now pretend you are walking down the street and you see someone a bit more 'different', such as a business man wearing a yellow suit, a pink tie, green hair, carrying a blue suitcase and standing out completely from everyone else...
Question: What person would you be most interested to know about?(Post ur answer as 'comments' if u want)

ok... and now, for the sake of being a little different, i'm going to write what i just said backwards...and if you like, u can also try reading it out loud... but that's only for really weird people...

)tnaw fi 'stnemmoc' sa rewsna tu tsop(
?tuoba ot detseretni tsom eb uoy dluow nosrep tahw :noitseuQ
...esle enoyreve morf yletelpmoc tuo gnidnats dna esactius eulb a gniyrrac ,riah neerg ,eit knip a ,tius wolley a gniraew nam ssenisub a sa hcus ,'tnereffid'erom tib a enoemos ees uoy dna teerts eht nwod gniklaw era uoy dneterp won
)nac uoy ees erehw m'i gniog htiw siht(...revewoh
ru eb ot gniraeppa dna esle enoyreve htiw ni gnidnelb yllacitcarp ,esactius kcalb a gniyrrac ,riah nworb ,eit kcalb a ,tius kcalb a gniraew ,teerts eht nwod gniklaw nam ssenisub a ees uoy dna teerts eht nwod gniklaw era uoy dneterp g.e

(Have you gone mad yet? Cos on my 'bullshit 'o' meter, that'd rate about a 9/10)

(I don't blame you for skipping over this bit if you did. It is rather pointless to read...)

(27/04/05: I'm thinking about deleting this post because it's absolute nonsense)

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

About your backwards text, it is actually missing some of the originally (you have missed the end of the first paragraph). But at that point I decided that my brain cells did not have to become clogged up trying to read it backwards so I stopped.