Monday, June 20, 2005

Piiizza and fun-filled market research

I might have got a job at Domino's Pizza... well actually i know iv got a job there, but there's only one complication: they want me to deliver pizza most of the time instead of being a customer representative. The main problem with delivering pizza is insurance: Domino's Pizz is meant to provide insurance but I have not been able to see a copy of their insurance policy yet, so i am not yet sure if i can deliver pizza.

Also, funnily enough, i am participating in some paid market research for some company (forgotten the name) about pizza and sushi! Coincidently they are both my 1st and 2nd favourite food respectively:P And i'm getting paid $50 for it, which will only involve answering about an hours worth of questions. That's equivalent to $50 an HOUR!!:D... but it's only for one hour;) They may even give me lots of pizza to eat while i'm "working"! :P:P:P

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

I'd get that Pizza and Sushi job if it was a 40 hour week job. As long as that is not so, I will stay in my current software developing job.