Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well my new dog, Sophie, has turned out to be very adorable yet remain a big ratbag the whole time.

So far my biggest fears have came true and she's done an uncountable number of pisses and poos on the carpet. I still can't decide what i prefer to clean up the most. Piss doesn't look so bad but is harder to get out of the carpet. Poos looks very unsightly and can smell horrible but it's as easy to clean up as just wrapping it up in newspaper and putting in the wheely bin outside;)

Sometimes it seemed like she was deliberately trying to go on the carpet. One time when Sophie was with my mum, Sophie peed inside so my mum kicked her outside, then Sophie walked back inside again through the back door and did poos on the carpet inside as well.

Sophie always wants attention (well i spose all pets are like that) and she will always follow you around the house. She's afraid of being outside in the dark by herself and will start barking and yelping if she's forced to stay in a room by herself.

Not to mention, i'm always worried that she'll sneak into my room and tear up my shoes cos she loves to chew on things. We have chewy treats and dog toys for her to chew on but she quickly gets bored of those.

Sophie has to stay around the house to let her immune system adjust to the neighbourhood. Also we have put small gates up covering the back of the house so that we can put her outside so she can't run anywhere. But we've also put in a little dog door in the conservatory tho the gates cover that door as well.

I spose it's ironic that Sophie does shit on the carpet, yet is a "little shit" herself.

Lol, forget I said that. That was mean.

She's nothing u wouldn't expect from a puppy and she's going through a learning curve at the moment.

One thing I like about her is that when I come home at the end of the day, she comes to the door at looks at me, in a type of dog greeting manner that says "Hi!"

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Exciting" ways to get money

I was listening to the radio (ZM) where I heard about some things that people were selling on TradeMe. I found them amusing enough to write about them in my blog. Here they are:

-The last cigarette ever legally smoked in a New Zealand bar. This is funny as it's only a cigarette. People smoke these everyday. The only thing that gives it value is that it was the last "legally" smoked cigarette in a bar in New Zealand.

- A heart-shaped potatoe chip. Apparently it truely is in a heart shape, and it's a relatively big potatoe chip. It was found in a BBQ flavoured packet of Kettles. The seller suggests giving it to a loved one... or something like that. The highest current bid so far is $11.00... so that's an idea. If Kettles could make funny shaped chips in all their packets, they could make a lot more money, such as selling a whole packet of heart-shaped chips. That would be more exciting than your average packet of normal oval shaped chips.

- Unopened 15 year-old coke bottle. This is currently selling for $100... And if you've been into my room, you might know that I have lots and lots of uneaten sweets and candy from over 8 years ago at least. I like to think how much these could sell for now, or if I waited another 7 years... But really, I can't imagine why anyone would want to buy these sorts of things.

And did you hear about the farmer who sold all the animals on his farm and grew lots of trees instead and so was able to start selling carbon credits? Well... I just thought that was a prime example of how "money can grow on trees" ;) That's the sorta way I want to earn money in the future. This involves buying things that will bring you money whereby you don't have to do a thing to earn it. The most common example of this is rental property; you receive a weekly cashflow of a particular amount of money for allowing tenants to stay there. And the best thing is that this money comes to you even if you don't "lift a finger" all week. You don't have to do anything until the tenants move out, whereby you can renovate the place a little bit and then find more tenants and so the very nice weekly cashflow starts coming again. Not to mention the value of the property inceases over time :P

... hmm, maybe I've been reading too many "get rich quick" books, lol.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Big news

Well... I got some big news last Wednesday... I didn't think I should say anything cos I wasn't sure if it would happen... and I'm not sure if i want to get one... but we're getting a new pet.

My parents saw her while up in Carterton in a shop window. I haven't seen her yet but apparently she's really cute. And my parents made me guess what it was before they told me. I was given a couple of clues:

1) it's got four legs
2) it's about 30 cm high

My first guess was a horse! (Lol, i don't know why i said that first. I spose I just thought it was more likely that my parents would randomly buy a horse.). My second guess was a cat. But then my dad had to remind me that I'm allergic to cats so they couldn't have got a cat.

You can probably guess by now what it is. (IT'S A PUPPY!)


It's a doberman. Just like my old dog Cora. Cora died from cancer in her throat 11 years ago when she was 16. I still miss her. And she's buried at my old house in the back yard so I may not be able to visit her grave again for a long time.

After Cora died, i was devastated. I cried a lot and mourned her. The reality I faced back then was that I had to get used to life without ever seeing Cora again in the house, or strolling around outside. She was a very friendly and peaceful dog. (And when we had Cora, I was given my first chance to eat dog biscuits. Honestly, I didn't think they tasted that bad!!!).

And after that I felt like I did not want to go through the pain of losing another pet. And so I felt like I never wanted to get another pet ever again... The sad thing is that we all have to face losing someone whom we love in our life eventually... But now my parents have gone out and bought a new puppy. And they tell me that since I have the university holidays at the moment, I have to look after her :O

So the reality I now face is:

- a smelly house
- possible piss stains on the carpet
- torn up shoes and socks
- going for dog walks
- howling whenever I try playing the guitar
- drops of slober scattered around the house
- dog fur


- bits of poop lying around outside that someone will have to clear up. And while she's a puppy, there'll be the possibly added bonus of little bits of poop lying around inside that someone will also have to clear up. (Hopefully not me)

We've been trying to think of names for her as well. We want a name that is more like a family name. Not a name like Fang, Spike or Chopper!

So far, the possibilities I've heard of are: Polly, Pipi, Sophie, Cassie, Kelly.

She's coming tomorrow, so this might be my last "petless" night for a long time. But i'm certain we'll give her all the love and attention she needs and will fit in fine.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Earlier tonight, my dad was discussing some of my problems with me and how to fix them, and then he suddenly blurted out a quote to me: "nothing ventured, nothing won!"

Alarm bells rung in my head. A big clicking noise went in my mind. I felt like a big torch had suddenly been shone into the inner depths of my mind.

I used to know that quote a long time ago and would apply it to things... until i forgot about it.

If you know me well, maybe you can see in so many infinite ways that quote can be applied to me.

Anyway, I feel like I can convince myself to do so many more things now... I hope.

This hurts

My ego's stricken. My limbs feel like falling off. I feel different and useless that makes me truely wonder if I am mentally retarded compared to everyone else. Life feels rather bitchy at the moment and I feel terrible for things I have mistakenly done without realising the consequences. There are some things I don't say on blogs and this is one of them.

... I've had a lot of draw-backs and ego killers now that I know the only thing I can do is try get up again, carry on, and keep trying.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Reflective thoughts

hmm... I haven't wrote anything much lately. But i'm planning to change that now... I've had so many thoughts lately about how life works. I'm struggling to sift through my mind to recover and decipher all my thoughts that I've had recently.

So many times, I have wanted something but not been bothered enough to do anything about it. What is it about me? Sometimes I feel like I can't be bothered to do anything about something that I really want... in fact, that's all the time. If only I had more motivation to do things, I could probably do really well. I think that the level of success someone has with something is relative to how badly they want to succeed with what ever it is. For example, a famous actor. When a famous actor first starts out, they would have had a very big passion for acting. With that passion, they would have became really good at acting, and enjoyed acting too. They didn't have to force themselves to do it, and they would have had an abundance of self-motivation to help them because they enjoyed it... I am talking about the inner fire that drives them on.

I was told something rather funny today. That my voice sounds like the type of voice a motivational speaker would have, and that I should be come a motivational speaker; I wasn't expecting that. I had never ever ever considered myself to be anything like a motivational speaker. I'm too quiet, I'm often shy, I don't have much to say, and I consider myself to be more of a listener than a speaker, even tho that is a character trait about myself that I don't like, but I have learnt to accept it because so far in all my years, I have found that fighting things about myself that I don't like doesn't get me anywhere.

I have learnt to accept that I am someone who is a "lone ranger". Often times, I prefer to be alone. And i didn't like this, and i used to try and fight it but it got me no where. No matter what I did, I still preferred to be alone... Don't get me wrong, I like being with ppl and doing things with other ppl, but I have trouble standing long periods of time around ppl. By long periods of time, I mean approximately 20 hours. As a person, I tend to look into things more and see them happening, rather than make them happen myself. This is another thing I don't like about myself and i have realised that I can't seem to change it.

As time goes on, from all the ideas that I have about how to live life better, I always come back to this one: "you just have to be yourself". Oh well. That's not the end of the world i spose.

Monday, August 15, 2005

A bit sad I think but still fun

Hehe, is this sad or what?

I'm recording myself playing Holiday (yes, the song by Greenday) on electric guitar, and then playing it back and singing along to it :O


Saturday, August 06, 2005

Electric guitars... and custard?

I bought an electric guitar last thursday (Big day for me;)) It's blue and white and due to some sort of crazy mentalilty in my mind, I keep wanting to relate my guitar to custard... Yep you heard/read right: custard. I know electric guitars have nothing to do with custard, it's just I keep thinking of custard when ever I see an electric guitar now. And I've forgotten how this odd idea even got inside my head.

Funny thing is I don't like custard. I haven't eaten custard in years. Let alone seen it. The last time I remember eating custard was in a crappy old baby creƩche (close to Hutt Valley High School) when I was about 3 years old where a snotty mean lady was trying to make me eat it... it's funny the things we remember...

How often have you ever had a dream about something real and then woken up, and then ur not sure about whether what u dreamed about was real? But most times by thinking about everything that I did the day before, I can usually work out whether what I dreamed about really happened.