Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Job Searching

Well I have to make this a quick post now. I.E. I have to write this post in about 10 minutes since I have to get up early tomorrow (hehe, say... 10am) and look for a job again.

But here's a little story about when I was looking for a job today.

I was searching for a job in the Hutt News when I found a job search agency *which will go un-named* . I rung them up on the phone and a nice female computer voice answered the phone. It said:

"You have reached *insert job agency name here*. To find out about permanent jobs, visit our website at *.........*. For temporary jobs, press 1 now. For the Minister of Justice collection officers, press 2 now. For the Minsiter of justice, press 3 now"

At this moment I became very confused. "I don't want a bloody government department. I just want to enrol at this job agency... maybe I've got the wrong number..." So I hung up.

Eventually, I decided that I would press 1 when I rung the job agency up again. I went through all of the "You have reached *insert job agency name here*. To find out about permanent jobs visit our..." and then i pressed 1 as I planned.

But then to my dismay, there was another stage to go through. Then the pleasant computer voice said in its usual cheerful tone: "Press 1 now for heavy truck driving jobs. Press 2 now for factory and labour jobs. Press 3 now for office and administration jobs. Press 4 now for hospitality and restaurant jobs. Press 5 now for computer programming and database jobs now." Again, I became confused... because I wanted jobs from both 2 and 4. I couldn't decide which number to press. So I hung up again.

After minutes of pondering whether I should press 2 or 4, I decided that i would press 2. So I rung the job agency up again, and once more I got the nice cheerful female computer voice which said *again* "You have reached *insert job agency name here*. To find out about permanent jobs visit our..." where I again pressed 1. Then I got up to the next part which again said "Press 1 now for heavy truck driving jobs. Press 2 now for..." where i pressed 2 as I had planned!

When I pressed two, i thought that was going to be the last time I would hear the cheeful computer voice... I was wrong. The computer voice then told me about how much I could expect to be paid for a job in that industry (which ever industry it was. I had forgotten what industry I was applying for by that time) and a whole lot of other stuff as well that i can't remember.

And then, to my absolute horror, I discovered that I would have to record my personal details and contact details as the 'kind' computer voice prompted me to, and that a phone operator would listen to the recording later and get my details.
Well my first thoughts were "screw that!" and I hung up the phone.

I'm surprised they didn't tell me "your call is important to us."

There is something about talking to a computer voice that sounds invalid and unofficial. Maybe i'll be able to make myself bothered to try again tomorrow;)

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