Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Well my new dog, Sophie, has turned out to be very adorable yet remain a big ratbag the whole time.

So far my biggest fears have came true and she's done an uncountable number of pisses and poos on the carpet. I still can't decide what i prefer to clean up the most. Piss doesn't look so bad but is harder to get out of the carpet. Poos looks very unsightly and can smell horrible but it's as easy to clean up as just wrapping it up in newspaper and putting in the wheely bin outside;)

Sometimes it seemed like she was deliberately trying to go on the carpet. One time when Sophie was with my mum, Sophie peed inside so my mum kicked her outside, then Sophie walked back inside again through the back door and did poos on the carpet inside as well.

Sophie always wants attention (well i spose all pets are like that) and she will always follow you around the house. She's afraid of being outside in the dark by herself and will start barking and yelping if she's forced to stay in a room by herself.

Not to mention, i'm always worried that she'll sneak into my room and tear up my shoes cos she loves to chew on things. We have chewy treats and dog toys for her to chew on but she quickly gets bored of those.

Sophie has to stay around the house to let her immune system adjust to the neighbourhood. Also we have put small gates up covering the back of the house so that we can put her outside so she can't run anywhere. But we've also put in a little dog door in the conservatory tho the gates cover that door as well.

I spose it's ironic that Sophie does shit on the carpet, yet is a "little shit" herself.

Lol, forget I said that. That was mean.

She's nothing u wouldn't expect from a puppy and she's going through a learning curve at the moment.

One thing I like about her is that when I come home at the end of the day, she comes to the door at looks at me, in a type of dog greeting manner that says "Hi!"

1 comment:

Vincent McNabb said...

I read that an hour after it was posted, but for some reason, I forgot to make a comment.

Well, here I am now, making a comment.

I forgot the password for the computer which serves the Internet (which means that I couldn't go on the Internet to figure out how to reset it, as I have also forgotton the password for the Internet, not to mention that the drivers for my ADSL modem would also need to be downloaded from the Internet).

Its like, I need the Internet to fix the Internet.

Well anyway, I just moved the hard drive to my other computer, and deleted C:\winnt\system32\config\sam yes, the name of the file is "SAM" which stores the passwords.

After that it was fine, except that I needed to do an Install-Repair on .Net Framework 2 Beta 2 to get the proper user for ASPNet setup again. But that was pretty painless. (i.e. just click Repair and then browse the net, smoke, and drink beer).

Anyway, this is supposed to be a comment, not a blog-post.

Your dog is cool. She's so stupid though... She tried to steal my Burger King, luckily I am bigger and stronger than her...

My cat tries to steal my food sometimes, but I am bigger and stronger than her also. But I only need to say "no" to my cat, and she gives up straight away.